A book entitled ‘Un Nuovo Dio’

Many people possess old books at home which somehow came into their possession. It often happens that nobody will know about these books except themselves. Even if possibly not held in special regard, such old book are fortunately not thrown away. Their owners might hope that, one day, family or friend will come along and show some interest in these possessions.

I think that it is good practice not to throw old books away recklessly. A book which someone may consider to be of no value at all might be treasured by another who will be capable of appreciating its worth. It is not rare that, without giving a second thought, people threw away precious books.

Anyhow, it is my intention here to invite those who possess old books at home to see whether they own one which I had been trying to find for ages. The book is entitled ‘Un Nuovo Dio’. It is in Italian, and was published in 1904.

The author of the book is ‘Eusebio degli Allori’. It is likely that the title page adds that that the book’s writer is also ‘Autore dell’“Esel”’.

The book contains a long poem, called ‘poemetto bernesco’ in Italian.

This is all the information I have about the book. I am not sure what the poem is about. Unfortunately, neither do I know how the book might look like, whether it is hard or soft bound, for example, or how many pages it might have. Its size might be somewhere close to 6x8 inches; something like that.

If you think you have this book, perhaps you’ll allow me to give it a look. In this case I invite you to contact me on: montebello@gmail.com; 49 St Monika Street, Pietà PTA3111; or (+356) 99428984. 

Thank you.


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