
Showing posts from July, 2005

When the law is an ass

It is surprising how some laws go unchallenged for so long even when they are so blatantly in conflict with the provisions that guarantee the universal respect of human rights. This alone makes them unconstitutional. Notwithstanding, such laws are continuously made use of at our courts by our prosecutors without the slightest twinge of conscience, magistrates rule on the basis of such laws arguably without pointing out their inequity, and lawyers defend clients against the imputation of such laws apparently without the slightest remonstration. This seems to me quite incredible (not to mention troubling). In particular, I refer to Article 30 of Chapter 101 of the Laws of Malta (Dangerous Drugs Ordinance), which, in part, states the following: Where a person has purchased or otherwise obtained or acquired a drug [...], the evidence of such person in proceedings against the person from whom he shall have purchased, obtained or acquired the drug, shall not require to be corroborated by...