Islands and other prisons
Some people, especially those hailing from the European, African or Middle East continents, sometimes seem to envy us islanders. Living on an island produces in them some kind of strange attraction that can be quite perplexing. It maybe has to do with that inkling that islands must be dainty, delightful places fairly immune to the craziness of the modern world. It is not uncommon that most of these people actually crave to come and live on an island such as ours, precisely when most of us want to get away, if only they could. It doesn’t seem to be the confinement within frontiers that seems to distress us most, for all countries have borders. Nor does it appear to be the smallness as such, for many other countries are also relatively small. Maybe neither the density of the population, for, surely, many cities are much thicker and compact than our entire country. What seems to really afflict us most deeply is our severance from mainstream culture. In fact, this detachment is really ...