
Showing posts from June, 2009

Taparsi ‘bouncers’

Il-qtil razzista ta’ Suleiman Abubaker hareg ghad-dawl fenomenu li kien qieghed isehh kontinwament f’Paceville u f’postijiet ohra f’Malta u Ghawdex u li l-omertà ta’ hafna Maltin u Ghawdxin kienu qeghdin izommu mistur ghal kollox: l-illegalità u l-abbuz li bihom xi nies kienu qeghdin jaghmluha ta’ ‘bouncers’ ma’ postijiet pubblici. Abbuz u omertà Il-bicca l-kbira tal-‘bouncers’ li xi whud minna jiltaqghu maghhom ma’ diversi postijiet pubblici jew f’diversi attivitajiet pubblici ma huma ‘bouncers’ xejn. Jigifieri mhumiex iccertifikati biex jaghmlu dak ix-xoghol. Dawn huma aktarx nies b’fiziku konsiderevolment kbir, aktarx b’sahhithom u moghtijin ilbies u apparat li jissuggerixxi l-hidma li jaghmlu. Minkejja d-dehra ta’ barra, il-hidma taghhom ta’ ‘bouncers’ hija illegali u abbuziva. Jitqabbdu jaghmlu xoghol fid-dieher u taht imnieher il-pulizija minghajr m’ghandhom il-permess jew it-tahrig. Min iqabbadhom jistenna biss attitudni ta’ theddid. Dan konna ilna nghixu bih hafna snin....

Lejn socjalizmu sinifikanti u relevanti

Is-socjalisti Maltin ghandhom ikunu socjalisti ta’ veru. Mhux taparsi. Jew tal-isem. Is-socjalizmu Malti tallum huwa tahlita ta’ (1) assunzjonijiet konservattivi infundati, (2) aderenzi religjuzi superficjali u (3) temarità reali. Assunzjonijiet konservattivi infundati Ir-radikalità tipika tas-socjalizmu klassiku mkien ma tinstab fis-socjalizmu Malti tallum. Is-socjalizmu huwa hekk immerraq li kwazi kwazi huwa indistingwibbli mill-konservatizmu tradizzjonali li jithaddem f’Malta. L-agenda liberali, forsi fil-linja ta’ Stuart Mill, hija prattikament abbandunata ghal kollox. Il-valuri tal-ideologija socjalista Maltija―jekk tezisti xi wahda artikulata (li niddubita serjament)―hija mdakkra mill-valuri li l-opportunizmu konservattiv Malti u l-paternalizmu klerikali hadmu kemm felhu biex zerghu fil-mentalità generali Maltija. B’mod wiesgha, dawn il-valuri ma jqisux il-persuni bhala siewja fihom infushom, imma bhala dadi fil-loghba politika. Il-persuni huma sottomessi ghall-programmi po...

The police and other showmen

Plato seems to have been utterly impressed by at least one basic point made by earlier philosophers: that what we see is not what there is but merely what we get. After Plato, Aristotle gave this inkling the status of a trade mark, and the medievalists turned it into a distinctive brand of European philosophy. The art of detecting appearances, and the subtle techniques of discovering what lies underneath, became the special craft of the able, quick and sharp. The Great Suspicion of the West thus became: Nothing Is What It Seems! Philosophers made of it a religion; and politicians a science. For the time being I will leave the philosophers and their religions. I will only take up here one single strand of the politician, and that is the policemen. That the police are politicians should not surprise you. They deal with the political state, to say the least; and they engage themselves thoroughly in the politics of social life. But, worthy as they may be, these are not what I understand ...

Jissokta l-istupru tal-ambjent

F’diversi partijiet ta’ Malta u Ghawdex, l-istupru tal-ambjent qieghed jissokta b’pass meqjus u konsistenti. Minkejja li suppost ghandna istituzzjonijiet governattivi ghal tal-apposta biex iharsu l-ambjent mill-qerda, is-sorvelja tal-wirt naturali taghna xorta wahda qieghed jaqa’ f’idejn ic-cittadin komuni. Qed nigu mbieghla nhallsu miljuni ta’ ewro halli nzommu dawk l-istituzzjonijiet biex xorta wahda x-xoghol irridu naghmluh ahna stess. Bhal halliela bil-lejl Lil hawn u lil hinn, hafna drabi mistur mill-ghajnejn tac-cittadin, l-ambjent naturali tal-gzejjer Maltin qieghed ikompli jinqered bil-mod il-mod. L-ispekulaturi huma attivi bhal dejjem u helu helu jahdmu id f’id ma’ istituzzjonijiet governattivi mhallsin mit-taxxi li nigu mgieghla nhallsu u li suppost qeghdin hemm biex iharsu l-wirt naturali taghna lkoll. Il-widien huma l-mira ewlenija ta’ dawn in-nies li, bhal halliela bil-lejl, il-hin kollu jhufu minn taht u minn wara l-kwinti biex jibnu kull pulzier li jistghu jiggranf...

The White Paper on Restorative Justice

A major development in penal justice On February 20, 2009, the Ministry for Justice & Home Affairs published a long-awaited White Paper (WP) on restorative justice. The document probably announces one of the major developments in penal justice since the reforms made in 1994/95. This development has been long in coming. However, it will almost certainly start to give us a new perspective in crime and punishment. The WP deals with a number of inter-related themes. First, it provides for the introduction of the parole system to Malta. It also proposes some touches to the current remission system used within the prisons. It gives indications how the prison’s educational system may be improved. It seeks to enhance the standing of victims of crime within part of the penal process. It recommends a change of procedure with presidential petitions made by prisoners. It additionally suggests some alternations in a few sentencing practices. As regards parole, which is the main issue of t...

On creating a sex offenders’ register

The main aim of creating a sex offenders’ register, such as being proposed by the Commissioner for Children, seems to be that of preventing convicted sex offenders from being employed at workplaces where children are involved. In itself, this is of course a most recommendable measure. The problem is that a sex offender’s register would not be able to attain such an objective. Take the well-known MFA case. The employers knew that the prospective worker was a convicted sex offender, and yet they went on to employ him just the same. They even refused to send him away when the case was made public. In this case the employers were in possession of the workers’ propensity because they knew him personally. Alternatively, they could have acquired the same information from a register. This would not have prevented them from proceeding with the employment, and neither would it have obliged them to strike him off their books. It is clear that what is needed is not a register but an edict proh...

Shame or glory

The Church, refugees and racial discrimination Despite all appearances to the contrary and notwithstanding notable commendable exceptions, the Catholic Church in Malta is largely failing in its obligation and duty to give absolute priority to a foremost phenomenon of our time: racial discrimination. The challenge this phenomenon presents is an outstanding defining moment in the Church’s mission to these islands. Failure to meet the challenge in a daring, Christian and humane manner will go down as yet another disgraceful fiasco in the history of Malta’s established religion. Statu quæstionis At this point in Maltese history, the phenomenon of racial discrimination is directly linked to the advent of African refugees to Malta. As is well known, these people are held in detention camps until they are granted official humanitarian or refugee status. In the popular mind they are conceived as “black” people, and mistakenly considered to be Muslims bent on ‘Islamising’ the islands. We h...

Malta m’ghadhiex innocenti

Jekk s’issa hsibna li Malta hi innocenti, jew li dejjem kienet u tibqa’ l-vittma ta’ haddiehor, issa ma nistghux naccettaw dan aktar. Bil-qtil razzista ta’ Suleiman Abubaker Malta ghandha d-demm fuq idejha. Nghid “Malta”; mhux dan jew dak it-taparsi bownser f’Paceville. Ghax ilkoll kemm ahna responsabbli ta’ dan il-qtil. Kienet il-kultura ta’ intolleranza u disrispett li qatlet lil Suleiman. Din mhijiex maghmula minn dan jew dak il-qattiel. Hija kultura maghmula minna lkoll. Kif qal wiehed mill-filosri zghazagh taghna, Michael Grech, kull darba li chadna milli nikkunsidraw ir-ragunijiet serji li jgieghlu lill-immigranti jhallu artijiethom u jaqbdu l-harba perikoluza taghhom, ahna armajna l-ponn ta’ min qatel lil Suleiman. Kull darba li ghamilna kummenti razzisti jew sthajjilna li ma smajniex meta ghamilhom haddiehor, ahna armajna l-ponn ta’ min qatel lil Suleiman. Kull darba li wzajna l-kliem “piz” u “immigrant” fl-istess sentenza, ahna armajna l-ponn ta’ min qatel lil Suleiman. I...

In Memoriam Suleiman Abubaker

M’ghandix dubju li xi ftit jew wisq ix-xhud Maltin kollha se jaqblu bejniethom. Bhal fiz-zewg kazijiet l-ohra ta’ qabel. M’ghandix dubju li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar hadd ma hu se jinzamm responsabbli. Bhal fiz-zewg kazijiet l-ohra ta’ qabel. M’ghandix dubju li, ghal darba ohra, id-decenza u c-civiltà Maltija se tirbah. Ammen. Hallelujah. Pajjiz minghajr misthija Il-mibki Suleiman Abubaker, Sudaniz bi stat umanitarju li miet it-Tlieta li ghaddew minn xebgha li kien qala’ Paceville minghand Maltin tal-affari taghhom, aktarx jibqa’ minghajr gustizzja u minghajr indiema. Qawl Afrikan jghid: Kif jista’ l-imqarrun jistenna gustizzja minghand it-tigieg? Suleiman hu iehor li kellu l-isfortuna jigi f’idejn il-gustizzja ta’ dan il-pajjiz minghajr misthija. Iva, tittrijonfa l-ligi; jittrijonfaw l-avukati u l-magistrati; jittrijonfaw il-pulizija; jittrijonfaw it-taparsi bownsers ta’ Paceville; jittrijonfaw dawk li jhaddmu t-taparsi bownsers; tittrijonfa s-socjetà kattolicissima Maltija; ... jittr...

On objectivity and Church doctrine

I had been absolutely intrigued by the articles that Dr Ricardo Baschetti and Ms Marie Benoît contributed to the last issues of First ( The Malta Independent ). Mainly because they touch on a couple of themes that pique my philosophical and theological sensitivities: the issue of objectivity, on the one hand, and, on the other, Catholic doctrine, especially regarding bioethical concerns. What I would like to submit covers some ground that is held in common by both Dr Baschetti and Ms Benoît. First, about objectivity. I would like to say, at the onset, that I share Dr Baschetti’s enthusiasm for neurology. The fascinating developments and progress made during the last half century in successfully mapping the brain and discovering the physical stimulations and chemical reactions that take place there is producing ever novel ways of understanding mental processes. We all stand to learn from these advances, as Dr Baschetti indicates. Neurological science and, in particular, biological ...

Delayed subsidies and benefits

Marisa Micallef ( The Times of Malta , June 9) is so right to point out that “when you are genuinely homeless and have no cash, help can’t arrive six months in arrears”. However, this does not only concern rent subsidies. Here are some other similar cases: A jobless person who, for some reason or another, has his or her benefits cut off will not receive any benefits if not six months later. If a person who had been receiving benefits for the jobless is regularly employed, the benefits will be cut off. All well and good. But if, for some reason or other, that person’s employment is terminated, benefits will not arrive before six months. He or she will then receive six months benefits in arrears. The same goes for jobless and/or homeless persons who are released from prison. No benefits will be forthcoming during the following six months. The full amount is paid in arrears six months after release. There may be cases of abuse in all of these areas but genuine cases certainly exist...

Il-Knisja u r-refugjati

Il-fenomenu tad-diskriminazzjoni razzjali fost il-poplu Malti hija l-aktar kwestjoni vitali li tezisti llum. Il-Knisja istituzzjonali ma tistax tinjoraha, kif aktarx qed taghmel, ghax din tinvolvi bicca kbira mill-fidili taghha stess. Id-diskriminazzjoni razzjali tolqot l-ispirtu u l-messagg nirani fil-laham il-haj. Il-fatt li l-bicca l-kbira tal-Kattolici Maltin ghandhom minnha juri l-urgenza li bih jehtieg li tigi ttratta mill-istituzzjoni ekklezjastika. Il-gravità tal-problema Dan il-fenomenu huma marbut l-aktar mal-migja tar-refugjati f’Malta. Dawn l-imsejkna jissejjhu ‘suwed’ minn hafna u huwa mahsub li huma kollha Musulmani. Il-fenomenu ghandu marbut mieghu hafna kwestjonijiet ohra, fosthom: l-inumanità tal-kampijiet ta’ detenzjoni, kemm dawk maghluqa u kemm dawk miftuha, it-twaqqif ta’ organizzazzjonijiet lemini-estremi u t-tlablib esplicitu taghhom fil-pubbliku, u l-mod kif diversi gurnalisti jipprezentaw is-suwed fil-kontribuzzjonijiet taghhom. Barra minn dawn, hemm il-m...