What strategy is there?

Once more, the Catholic Church in Malta and Gozo is giving the damning impression that it is the same retrograde of old. Rightly or wrongly, the amendments to the Protection of Embryos Act ruffled its feathers, and the clarion call, “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more”, has been blurted out. My interest here is not to defend any of the amendments. Nor is it to weigh the criticism drawn up by the Church or by its cohorts. My point is merely to discuss strategy. To be more precise, to consider how the Church seems to be strategically depositing itself in its opposition to the proposed amendments. In living memory we already have ample experience of this. What comes to mind is the divorce referendum campaign and the issue of same-sex marriages. Some will go as far back as to the Integration and Independence referenda. Each and every time, repeatedly, the campaign strategy of the Church ended up giving the impression that it stands against minority rights. This time...